Los Altos Art Club
Member Benefits

We offer free demonstrations at the monthly meetings by professional guest artists from many disciplines: watercolor, oil, pastel, mosaics (glass and broken plate), journaling, and more. Visitors are welcome! Many demonstrations are recorded for later viewing.
At each month's regular meeting members can bring a work of art to share. Both finished pieces and works in progress are welcome. Members enjoy seeing each other's works. You can ask and answer questions. Get inspired! We're here to support each other.
Members meet weekly to explore making art in a supportive and creative art environment.

Other membership benefits:
Free Monthly Newsletter
Personal Gallery Page on the LAAC site. Visit the Gallery page.
Group Exhibitions at public sites such as the Los Altos Library. See Shows
Venues where members may display and sell their works. See Venues
Social Gatherings provide a chance to meet and mingle with other artists at the Monthly Meeting, a July Social/Pot Luck and the December Holiday Dinner.
Connect with other members through our Member Directory